
Research is an integral and vital activity at our Department that reflects our diversity and excellence as a group of professionals. Our research portfolio combines diverse vantage points ranging from media and journalism practice, political communication, cultural identity and reconciliation, but also audience research and new technologies.

All research at our Department is driven by the dual goals of being socially relevant, while also generating and testing communication theories. Accordingly, our Department conducts research within three main clusters.

Communication in media and journalism practice – The focus of this group of research projects is on communication processes and media practices for identifying and shaping political, social and cultural values in society. The research we conduct covers the functioning of different types of media – local, youth, religious, civil society and others, their contents and the professional roles of journalists.

Multicultural and intercultural communication – Multicultural/intercultural interactions within our communities through social media, traditional media and public discussions are important in our society. Research in this area addresses national and ethnic minority communication practices, gender and media, conflicts and reconciliation in SFRY, as well as popular culture.

Audience, media and technologies – Research in this cluster focuses on diverse practices of media use , with a focus on digital platforms. Specific areas of research include research on the reception of news content and popular culture, understanding the role of the media and journalists, as well as the practices of sharing and commenting on content on social networks.