Václav Štětka
Loughborough University, UK
Václav Štětka is Senior Lecturer in Communication and Media Studies at, Loughborough University (UK), and Principal Investigator of “The Illiberal Turn” project. His research interests encompass political communication, the role of media in the rise of populism and polarization, and the relationship between media and democracy in Central and Eastern Europe. He is an active contributor to several international research projects and networks, including the Digital News Report (Oxford University), Media Pluralism Monitor (European University Institute in Florence), or the Network of European Political Communication Scholars (NEPOCS). Since 2019 he is member of the Committee for Editorial Independence of the Czech media house Economia.
Bogusława Dobek-Ostrowska
Institute of Political Science at the University of Wrocław, Poland
Bogusława Dobek-Ostrowskais a professor of communication and chair of the Department of Communication and Journalism at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Wrocław in Poland. She is a founder of, and she was the first president of the Polish Communication Association (2007–2013). She was the President of International Federation of Communication Associations (2010–2012). She is a founder and she was an editor of Central European Journal of Communication,the official journal of Polish CommunicationAssociation. She is a founder and co-editor of Series Studies in Communication and Politics of Peter Lang Editionandeditor of Series Communication and Media published by the University of Wrocław Press. She is or was a member of editorial boards of several prestigious international journals, and participated and was a chair of many international projects. Her research interests include the theory of mass communication, media systems, political communication, transformation of politics, media and journalism in Central and Eastern Europe.She has published several books–Polish Media System in a Comparative Perspective, Media in Politics, Politics in Media (2019), Journalism in change. Journalistic Culture in Poland, Russia and Sweden (2015), Democracy and Media in Central and Eastern Europe (2015), many chapters and articles.